To any business owners looking to get more appointments - you have to give Clever Marketing a shot!
Riley Bennett, Amazing Amazon Co
We start by finding the
decision-makers in the
companies in your target market
We use special tools to
prepare your accounts to
maximise campaign
Our expert copywriters
split test personalised
outreach templates
Once you approve
everything, we are ready to
go live to generate your leads!
On average clients will
receive their first leads
within 72 hours from
going live
These leads are sent to
you or your sales team to
arrange a booked
For unresponsive prospects we
implement a sophisticated
follow up campaign
Using data, we continually
optimise your campaign to
maximise the number of leads
‘We have signed up 4 clients with an estimated return of £500k to our business’
Gary Smith, Venture Corporate Finance
'We signed 4 new deals from one campaign - worth over 6 six figures to our business'
Ben Sloyan, The Hawkers Club
'Specifically attributed to Clever Marketing is a 6 figure pipeline right now'
Peter Winick, Thought Leadership Leverageg Amazon Co
" Clever Marketing has delivered thousands of leads for companies interested in speaking and exhibiting at my events."
Bernardo Moya, The Best Youi
'To any business owners looking to get more appointments - you have to give Clever Marketing a shot!'
Riley Bennett, Amazing Amazon Co
per month
per month
$1,050 saving!
per month
Project Manager
Project Manager